
Lent, Season Of Sacrifices And Reflection.

      This season commemorates not only the Passion of Jesus Christ, but also of the time he went to the desert to reflect and meditate for 40 days. This season exhorts Christians to follow in the footsteps of Christ by helping those who are in need whilst resisting the temptations of the material world.       One of the most important aspects of Lent is the spirit of Reflection. Lent is a time for Christians of all denominations to ask themselves: “Have we actually followed the tenets that Christ left for us in the past year?” Lent offers them a time to reflect on their actions the previous year and ask themselves which actions they did during the previous year were in line with Christ’s and which ones were not.Through reflection, it is hoped that Christians would gain some insights on what they need to do to help them better follow Christ. Reflection opens one to his/her previous actions and what they could have done to make it better. It opens you to a chance to change

Honouring The Past Of Beautiful Lights

.       Woman is one of God's best creation to the world we are living. It has xontributed a lot of things to is. Imagining life without a woman is quite hard-hitting. The fact that all the great people of the world are born from the womb of a woman and it is a woman from whom those great people have taken their initial teachings. And that is the reason we have always emphasized upon giving the due respect to women in their life. And that is why women’s day is celebrated with so much of zeal and it has spread throughout the world.       Celebrating Woman is a way of feeling gratitude to the each and every woman in one’s life, be it in the professional or the personal life. International Women’s day is observed every year on 8th of March and it is observed around the world to celebrate the velour of women. In most of the country the day has been observed as a national holiday. Women from various cultural and ethnic groups come together crossing all the boundaries to rem

Learning About HTML

      The covid-19 pandemic has become bigger in the past coming months and that forced almost all of the student to stop temporary in their study a at school. In order to continue their learning many head of teachers around the world established online learning. As a student I am affected to the pandemic and experience the distance learning and learned something and also I have encountered some problems and challenges to those days.      On my experience on the second quarter of my distance learning, I have learned a lot of things and some interesting lesson on that time. I have discovered a programming language called HTML where we are task to create HTML files. I also learned some html tags that we are  going to apply in creating an html files. I also discovered a lot of various attributes on html. I didn’t expect that inside of the web browser was bigger than I thought. In my days of studying and creating this, I have encountered some problems like not understanding som

Love Behind The Krisis

      Every year, we are celebrating an international festival that celebrate the feeling of love called the Valentine’s Day which is celebrated every 14th of February. February 14 also marks the death of Saint Valentine a Christian legend. Valentines day has become a day for us to spent time with our lovers. This day is the day where we expresses our feelings to the want that we love and spend the rest of our lives with.     This year some of us will not be celebrating the day of love because of the bad threat of the virus that is spreading around the world, some of us will be lonely on the day of Valentines because the government is prohibiting us to go outside and celebrate something special. Even if there is a pandemic on the day of love, we must celebrate it with distance communication by the help of our mobile devices and computers to spent some time with them. We must express always our love not only to our boyfriend and girlfriend but to our love ones who support us

Day Of Talented Ilokanos

      The province of Ilocos Sur is one of the most beautiful places to lived. The province is a home of many iloko and It is located in the northern part of Luzon. The province has a rich culture and traditions preserved that make it amazing. The province has a lot of magnificent festivals that we celebrate and one of them is the most awaited Kannawidan Festival.       The Kannawidan Festival is one of the most beautiful festival where many iloko celebrated from last week of January to the first week of February. Many tourist are giving effort to attend this festival to see the beauty and  the life of ilocanos on the province. We ilocanos celebrate the festival because we want to show to the other provinces, countries, and the world our talent, cuture and tradition we preserved from the Spanish Colonial Era. We also celebrate the festival because we commemorates the anniversary of the foundation of the province. This festival is helpful to not forggtten the culture and

Birth Of My Home

      The City of Vigan is the home of many Ilocanos in the Philippines. The city has a lot of historical places to visit, Ilocano foods to eat, and feast to celebrate. Vigan city is also declared as one of the new seven wonder cities of the world. The patron of the city is St. Paul the apostle. The feast of Vigan is celebrated every January 25 during the conversion of St Paul. The Vigan feast from the year 2019 is very different from the year of 2020 and present because of the big impact of the covid-19 pandemic.       Many people are expecting again to celebrate the feast of  Vigan and participating activities where they used to do and watch every year but the year 2020  has a lot of changes. Because of the pandemic that been spreading every day give an impact to the people of Vigan. Many people are expecting to watch the grand parade of people living here in Vigan which will bee held oh the morning of January 25 where they used to watch every year but this time it wa

New Year, New Goals

         The year 2020 is ended where many things happen that gave us challenges, saddness and depression to our cruel world and we can say it's one of the worst year of our generation us a young people. New year is one of the greatest celebration of our world in which we are about to welcome a new life, a new beginning, setting up goals, and learning from our mistakes from the past life. Welcoming 2021 is the best occassion and we are all praying to have more blessing to our Lord and prepairing to our plan in life and start a brand new beginning for our future life.         As a young teen, I am understanding now the importance of life and every new year that I encounter, I always list the things that I want to change on my past life and learn from it to start a new me where I will make my self a better man. I have already listed many things to change on my own like my negative habit to good habit and I always plan for my future like creating a to do list where I s