Lent, Season Of Sacrifices And Reflection.

This season commemorates not only the Passion of Jesus Christ, but also of the time he went to the desert to reflect and meditate for 40 days. This season exhorts Christians to follow in the footsteps of Christ by helping those who are in need whilst resisting the temptations of the material world. One of the most important aspects of Lent is the spirit of Reflection. Lent is a time for Christians of all denominations to ask themselves: “Have we actually followed the tenets that Christ left for us in the past year?” Lent offers them a time to reflect on their actions the previous year and ask themselves which actions they did during the previous year were in line with Christ’s and which ones were not.Through reflection, it is hoped that Christians would gain some insights on what they need to do to help them better follow Christ. Reflection opens one to his/her previous actions and what they could have done to make it better. It ope...